Monday, March 21, 2011

Life and Meaning

Alarm goes off, I rush to washroom, get ready, gulp tea and sprint to reach office on time. After a chaotic day I get back home have a few glimpses of every channel on TV, check facebook a bit texting and then to bed.

This depicts the daily routine of majority of our youth with a little variation of profession (University or college in place of office) and number of activities. But the basic structure remains roughly the same. Hanging out with friends on weekends or seeking new adventures that too are numbered. But have you ever wondered for a split second is this it? Have you ever asked yourself who am I and what my life is? Only a series of repetitive tasks that apparently enable you to keep up your pace with the modern world??  But then compare yourself to a primordial counterpart: they too used to get up every morning go hunting or cultivation, participate in community reunions and end day just to regurgitate the same activities the next day. So what’s the difference? Don’t be a fool by the charade technological advancement, look beyond the surface and think what’s the difference? 

            In fact a more meaningful and critical act would be to question the quality you have added to your life with your conscious efforts. Contrary to struggle we make every day for a better life style, we contribute a little to develop our own self; just because we often fail to recognize the difference between Life and life style. Life is Me, my thoughts, emotions, profundity and perception, fears and revival strategies, my silence, inertia and action. But unfortunately no one has the time to ponder about our own real life in this depth because we’re all too busy in struggling for a better life style. Our never ending wish list consists of so many material items (and milestones) that keep on emerging, keeping us always busy in a new contest. But steal a few moments from this relentless chase to think about YOU before this farce is over or it’s too late.

                 Now if you’re thinking you have a great life so you need not to worry about the Quality; after all you have iphone, ipad, new car, thriving career, you’re more informed and connected then any of your ancestor, well mannered and optimistic what else one needs to spend a great life? But I am afraid most of us are trapped in, what I would call, contagious “Synthetic Coup d'état” that creates an illusion of success coupled with the fanaticized happiness. Now it isn’t awful at all, obviously if a person spends their whole life striving for a better life style and achieves happiness (no matter how delusional)… Fair and Square!  Only if the death meant to be the end of our life; But here starts the most intriguing part …Death, of which the youth is only aware of but we don’t believe in death as if it only seizes Pariahs and won’t touch us, not at least any time soon. Yet again this most imperative element of our life is beyond our control and we’re not to decide when the time to depart is. At that critical moment what actually matters is your Life not the life style..

 So all I can do is to care about ME and My real life and how my every next day adds value to my cumulative life. Stop clinging to the better life-style-obsession and find the Meaning in your everyday life, every move and action. Life without meaning is no more than a clerical job (that we all detest)


  1. LOved the Diff u mentioned btween life and lifestyles thats so true serusly :s

  2. Thanks ji to make first ever comment and then to admire one of my Filo-sophies :D
    Stick tuned for more!
